Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh to Be a Bear

Does the cold and snow have you wishing you were a bear? Or at least wishing you could sleep like one? If you're having trouble sleeping, hibernation would be a very appealing option. Unfortunately, we humans are not equipped to hibernate. According to a study published Feb. 29, 2008 in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, which surveyed adults from Delaware, Hawaii, New York and Rhode Island about their sleeping patterns, ten percent reported insufficient rest or sleep every day during the preceding 30 days. "Lack of sleep is an increasing problem here in the U.S.," said Lela McKnight-Eily, the study's lead author. "Some people think it's something you do on the weekends, that it's a luxury. A lot of people don't know sleep is important to our overall health." According to McKnight-Eily, a solid seven to nine hours of sleep every night can prevent problems such as stress, depression, obesity, accidents and judgment issues.

Sounds great, right? But what about those of us who just can't sleep. Dr. Newton's has a product that can help. LiquidSleep™. LiquidSleep™ is a soothing, relaxing and great tasting apple-cinnamon flavored liquid that can be used by everyone in the family. Simply place a few drops under your tongue about ten minutes before bedtime to help prepare you for a night of restful sleep. Liquid Sleep will become your favorite way to relax at the end of the day. It will help you get the restful sleep you need without the morning "hang-over" that other sleep remedies can cause.

Want to check out Liquid Sleep and see more of our great products? Click HERE!